1 Meile = 1760 Yard (yd) = 5279 Fuss (foot / ft) = 63347 Zoll (inch) = 1,610 km
1 Seemeile (sm) = 2025 Yard = 6076 Fuss = 72913 Zoll = 1,850 km
AFP - Australian Federal Police.
ANN - Australia Network News
ASPA - Association of South Pacific Airlines.
BDS - Business and Development Services.
BHF - Business Hardship Fund.
BRF - Business Recovery Facility.
CBD - Nuku'alofa central business district.
CEDAW - Consultation on the Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination Against Women.
CEO - 17 Chief Executive Officers (fuer Government Departments).
CCTV - China's Central Television.
CPA - Commonwealth Parliamentary Association.
dwn - Detlev Wolfgang Nagel
FIHRDM - Friendly Islands Human Rights and Democracy Movement.
FISA - Frindly Island Shipping Agency - CEO der FISA ist Mr. Vaka´uta Pola Vi
HoD – Heads of Departments.
IGFA - International Game Fishing Association in Florida
IRENA - International Renewable Energie Agency (est. 26. Januar 2009 in Bonn - Germany, 139 Staaten - 46 afrikanische, 37 europaeische, 33 asiatische, 14 amerikanische, 9 australisch/pazifische = Australia, Fiji, Kiribati, Nauru, Palau, Papua New Guinea, Samoa, Tonga ((Vollmitglied seit Juni 2009, Vorsitzender: Hon. Akau´ola)) und Vanuatu). IRENA NEWS
ITU - International Telecommunication Union
ISP - Internet Service Provider (Office Equipment Ltd.)
IWD - International Women´s Day
LGBT - LESBIAN-GAY-BISEXUAL-TRANSGENDER (Lesben-Schwule-Bisexuelle-Transgender)
MDG - Millennium Development Goals (8 Punkte die die Entwicklung eine Landes verbessern sollen, 189 Länder)
MLCI - Minister of Labour, Commerce & Industries.
NCPR - National Committee for Political Reform.
NRBF - National Retirement Benefits Fund
NZH - New Zealand Herald.
NZPA - New Zealand Press Association.
NZPF - New Zealand Police Force.
PDP - People's Democratic Party.
PIASA - Pacific Island Air Service Agreement.
PLT - Paati Langafonua Tu´uloa (est.18.08.2007, Sione Fonua).
PSA -Tonga's Public Service Association.
PSC -Tonga's Public Service Commission - Chair Mrs. Mishka Tu´ifua - (auch Westpack Bank Manager)
PVA - Peau Vava'u Airways.
QSCOGA - Queen Salote Old Girls Association - Presidentin HM Queen Halaevalu Mata´aho.
RAMSI - Regional Assistance Mission to the Solomon Islands.
RNZI - Radio New Zealand International.
RRRT - Pacific Regional Rights Resource Team.
SBS - Australiaï¾´s SBS television.
SCP - Shipping Corporation of Polynesia Ltd. Direktor ist Reverend Dr. Tevita Haukinima
SOE - State-Owned Enterprises (Fiji, Marshall Island, Samoa, Salomon Island und Tonga)
SPBD - South Pacific Business Development
SPG - South Pacific Games (2007 Samoa)
STTC - Short Therm Training Center.
TAL - Tonga Airports Ltd.
TASANOC - Tonga Amateur Sports Association and National Olympic Committee
TBC - Tonga Broadcasting Commission.
TCC - Tonga Communications Corporation.
TEPB - Tongan Electric Power Board.
TERM - Tonga Energie Road Map.
TFA - Tongan Football Association, HON. MOIMOIKIMOFUTA VAEA *26.07.1961 -- +05.05.2011, Vice President of the T.F.A.
TPF - Tongan Police Force.
TPL - Tonga Power Ltd. (est. 2008)
TRA - Tonga Research Association, ehemals THA - Tonga History Association.
TTA - Tonga Tourist Association.
TV-AUS - ANT - Australian Network Television.
TV - AUS - ABC 1, ABC 2, ABC 3, ABC NEWS 24
TVB - Tongan Visitor Bureau.
TV-NZ - One News.
TV-NZ - Tagata Pasifika.
TV-NZ - Maori TV.
USPACOM - US Pacific Command (in Camp HM. Smith - Hawaii, Commander Admiral Timothy J. Keating).
WPFI - Worldwide Press Freedom Index (2007)
WHO - World Health Organisation (14. Juni Blutspende Tag)
WTO - World Trade Organisation. (Tonga ist 151. Mitglied ab 27. Juli 2007).
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